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© Eszter Matrai


Recent Peer-reviewed Publications

Matrai, E., Kwok, S. T., Tan, Z., Lin, X., Lee, W-K., Martelli, P. and Pogány, Á. 2024. Cognitive enrichment for testing prosocial food-sharing in dolphin groups. Front. Ecol. Evol. 12:1479989.

Tan, I. Z., Matrai, E., & Martelli, P. 2024. Monitoring the world-oldest zoo-housed male giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): A case-study on pathway utilization. Zoo Biology, 1–11.


Matrai, E. 2024. Experiments with a set of cooperative enrichment devices used by groups of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins. Biologia Futura.


Martelli, P., Krishnasamy, K. 2023. The Role of Preventative Medicine Programs in Animal Welfare and Wellbeing in Zoological Institutions. Animals, 13, 2299

https:// ani13142299

Matrai, E., Chan, H. Y., Leung, F. M., Kwok, S. T., Lin, X., & Martelli, P. 2023. Point for Enrichment, Point for Welfare - Testing Use of a Laser Pointer with Arapaima gigas. Animals, 13(8), 1370

Wei, C., Houser, D., Erbe, C., Matrai, E., Ketten, D. and Finneran, J. J. 2023. Does rotation increase the acoustic field of view? Comparative models based on CT data of a live versus a dead dolphin. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics.

Matrai, E., Gendron, S. M., Boos, M. and Pogány, Á. 2024. Cognitive group testing promotes affiliative behaviors in dolphins. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 27 (1), 165-179; Published online: 05 Dec 2022

Vishnu, H., Hoffmann-Kuhnt, M., Chitre, M., Ho, A. and Matrai, E. 2022. A dolphin-inspired compact sonar for underwater acoustic imaging. Communications Engineering 1, 10

Matrai, E.,Kwok, S. T., Boos, M. and Pogány, Á. 2022. Testing use of the first multi-partner cognitive enrichment devices by a group of male bottlenose dolphins. Animal Cognition 25, 961–973 

Harrison, T.M. and Churgin, S.M. 2022. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine in Zoological and Exotic Animal Medicine: A Review and Introduction of Methods. Veterinary Sciences, 9 (74), 1-17


Matrai, E., Kwok, S. T., Grainger, D., Boos, M. and Pogány, Á. 2022. The academic, career and personal benefits of zoological internships - A 10-year evaluation of a dolphin research internship. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research, 10(1), 31–39

Matrai, E.,Kwok, S. T., Boos, M. and Pogány, Á. 2021. Group size, partner choice and collaborative actions in male Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus). Animal Cognition, 25, 179–193


Matrai, E., Kwok, S. T., Boos, M. and Pogány, Á. 2021. Cognitive enrichment device provides evidence for intersexual differences in collaborative actions in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus). Animal Cognition, 24, 1215–1225

Wei, C. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, M., Au, W. W. L., Ho, A., Hao., Z., Matrai, E., Feng, W. Ketten, D. R. and Zhang, H. 2021. Possible limitations of dolphin echolocation-a simulation study based on cross-modal matching experiment. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-14

Matrai, E., Ng, A. K. W., Chan, M. M. H., Gendron, S. M. and Dudzinski, K. M. 2020. Testing use of a potential cognitive enrichment device by an Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus). Zoo Biology, 39(3), 156-167

Matrai, E., Hoffmann-Kuhnt, M., and Kwok, S. T. 2019. Lateralization in accuracy, reaction time and behavioral processes in a visual discrimination task in an Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus). Behavioural Processes, 162 (2019), 112-118

Matrai, E., Hoffmann-Kuhnt, M., Kwok, K., and Lai C. 2018. Training steps for complex psychophysical studies with an Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus). IMATA Soundings, 43(2) – Second Quarter 2018

Cheung L. S. L., Hui I. M. Y., Ma C. K. Y., Matrai E., and Kuczaj S. 2017. Enhancing cooperative behavior of male alliances by cognitive enrichment items. IMATA Soundings, 42(3) — Third Quarter 2017

Parsons, E. C. M., Baulch, S., Bechshoft, T., Bellazzi, G., Bouchet, P., Cosentino, A. M., Godard-Codding, C. A. J., Gulland F., Hoffmann-Kuhnt, M., Hoyt, E., Livermore, S., MacLeod, C. D., Matrai E., Munger, L., Ochiai, M., Peyman, A., Recalde-Salas, A., Regnery, R., Rojas-Bracho, L., Salgado-Kent, C. P., Slooten, E., Wang, J. Y., Wilson, S. C., Wright, A. J., Young, S., Zwamborn, E., Sutherland, W. J. 2015. Key research questions of global importance for cetacean conservation. Endangered Species Research, 27(2): 113-118

Conference Appearances

Matrai, E., Kwok, S. T. , Tan, I. Z., Pogány, Á. and Martelli, P., Chuk, H. 2024. Cognitive enrichments – the bridge between welfare and science - 52nd Symposium of the European Association of Aquatic Mammals, Tenerife, Spain  11 – 15 March 2024


Matrai, E., Kwok, S. T. , Tan, I. Z., Pogány, Á. and Martelli, P., Chuk, H. 2023. Improving dolphin welfare with cognitive enrichments - Annual Conference of Chinese Aquariums, Wuhan, China  6 – 10 November 2023

Matrai, E., Kwok, S. T. , Tan, I. Z., Pogány, Á. and Martelli, P. 2023. Working with dolphins – Perspectives of dolphin-human relationship - 2nd International Anthrozoology Conference (Hybrid)  3 – 4 October 2023

Matrai, E., Kwok, S. T. , Tan, I. Z., Pogány, Á. and Martelli, P. 2023. Cooperative problem-solving in dolphin societies - Behaviour2023 Conference, Bielefeld, Germany  14 – 20 August 2023


Matrai, E., Lui, R. S. H., Lee, K., Kwong, T., Pogány, Á. and Martelli, P. 2023. Cognitive enrichment to lift the pod spirit – UFAW Online Animal Welfare Conference,  20 – 21 June 2023

Tse, M. H., Matrai, E., Churgin, S. and Martelli, P. 2023. Acupuncture to activate the arctic fox – UFAW Online Animal Welfare Conference,  20 – 21 June 2023

Tan, I. Z., Matrai, E., Churgin, S. and Martelli, P.  2023. Acupuncture for chronic pain to improve red panda welfare – UFAW Online Animal Welfare Conference,  20 – 21 June 2023

Leung, H. L., Matrai, E., Kwok, S. T. and Martelli, P.  2023. Floating cool activities for spotted seals – UFAW Online Animal Welfare Conference,  20 – 21 June 2023

Matrai, E., Kwok, S. T., Pogány, Á., Boos, M. and Martelli, P. 2022. Short- and long-term impact of cognitive enrichments on dolphin welfare – Controversies and Collaboration: Moving Toward Consensus in Animal Welfare. UFAW Indo-Pacific Asia Online Workshop, 6-8 Dec 2022 


Matrai, E., Kwok, S. T., Boos, M. and Pogány, Á. 2022. Three is the charm! Dolphins prefer the three-way cooperative enrichment device over the two- and four-way ones – 24th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Florida, 1-5 August 2022 

Wei, C., Houser, D., Erbe, C., Zhang, C., Matrai, E. and Finneran, J. J. 2022. Does rotation during echolocation increase the acoustic field of view? Comparative numerical models based on CT data of a live versus deceased dolphin - 182nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Denver, Colorado, on May 24, 2022

Matrai, E., Kwok, S. T., Boos, M., Martelli, P. and Pogány, Á. 2022. Males make more the merrier, while females feel the fewer, the better fare29th International Conference On Comparative Cognition (online), 6-9 April 2022

Matrai, E., Kwok, S. T., Boos, M. and Pogány, Á. 2021. Boys will be boys! Successful implementation of cooperative cognitive enrichments in a daily care of a group of male Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins - 23rd Conference of the Hungarian Ethological Society (online), 26-27 November 2021

Chan, H. Y., Leung, F. M., Kwok, S. T. and Matrai E. 2021. Point taken! Testing use of a laser pointer as enrichment with Arapaima gigas - 23rd Conference of the Hungarian Ethological Society (online), 26-27 November 2021

Li, Y. T. Y., Kwok, S. T., Churgin, S. and Matrai, E. 2021. Poke the lazy! Behavioural changes in a green iguana (Iguana iguana) following acupuncture treatment - 23rd Conference of the Hungarian Ethological Society (online), 26-27 November 2021

Tan, Z. Y., Matrai, E. 2021. Seasonal changes in the activity pattern of the oldest giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) - 23rd Conference of the Hungarian Ethological Society (online), 26-27 November 2021

Matrai, E., Kwok, S. T., Chan, H. Y., Leung, F. M., Pogány, Á. and  Boos, M. 2021 Cognitive enrichments – A bridge between animal welfare, scientific advancement, conservation, and education. Recent advances in animal welfare science VIII. Virtual UFAW Animal Welfare (online) Conference, 29-30 June 2021

Matrai, E., Kwok, S. T., Boos, M. and Pogány, Á. 2021. Finmates forever! – Cognitive challenge that brings the boys together. 28th International Conference On Comparative Cognition (online), 7-10 April 2021

Matrai, E., Boos, M. and Pogány, Á. 2019. Fish in - fish out! I pull - you bite! - WMMC'19, 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Barcelona


Research Department

Ocean Park Hong Kong

180 Wong Chuk Hang Road

Aberdeen, Hong Kong


(+852) 3923 2485

2021 by Eszter Matrai

Logo design by Leung Fung Ming

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