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© Eszter Matrai

Media appearances

Radio interviews and Podcasts


Thank you to RTHK for the kind invitation to the Backchat. It was very engaging chat in live Radio.

You can listen to the episode on this Link.

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Thank you to Kyle Banton-Jones for his kind invitation to the Wild Enrichment podcast. We had a great time talking about the importance of cognitive enrichments and how they can be incorporated into a facility's everyday operation.

You can listen to the episode on this Link.


Over the past four years Szabi Toth from the "3. utas" programme has invited me on multiple occasions to talk about life in Hong Kong, my work as a zoologist, our volunteer eco-dive team Tursiopsdivers and the research efforts of our team at Ocean Park Hong Kong. It is always a pleasure to talk with Szabi and I am honored and grateful for his interest in all that we do. 

The interviews (conducted in Hungarian) can be accessed on the links below:

2015 - Mátrai Eszter tigris és delfinkutató - Link

2019 - Mátrai Eszter delfinkutató - Link

2023 - Mátrai Eszter zoológus, delfinkutató - Link


Local and global media


Ming Pao journal recently published an article on our research work at Ocean Park Hong Kong and also mentioning our ocean conservancy efforts with our eco-dive team, Tursiopsdivers.


Beijing Youth Weekly recently published an article entitled "Dr Eszter Matrai awakens your love of the ocean", focusing on our work at Ocean Park Hong Kong and also mentioning our ocean conservancy efforts with our eco-dive team, Tursiopsdivers.

Our new paper giant panda habitat use was featured in the local media!

Tan, I. Z., Matrai, E., & Martelli, P. (2024). Monitoring the world-oldest zoo-housed male giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): A case-study on pathway utilization. Zoo Biology, 1–11.


Our paper on the first-ever multi-partner cognitive enrichment for dolphins was featured in the local media!

Matrai, E.,Kwok, S. T., Boos, M. and Pogány, Á. 2022. Testing use of the first multi-partner cognitive enrichment devices by a group of male bottlenose dolphins. Animal Cognition 25, 961–973

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Social media

Our new paper on the multi-player cognitive enrichment devices was mentioned on the site of Animal Welfare Expertise  

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Our giant panda study was mentioned on Ocean Park's Facebook

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Research project with the world’s oldest male giant panda!

The currently known oldest male giant panda is An An who lives in the Park. He is now 35 years old which is roughly equivalent to 105 years in human age! He even has his own IG channel! How long do you think giant pandas live? In the wild it is estimated to 15-20 years, under human care their lifespan is nearly doubled!

To provide the best possible care to An An, his regular husbandry care also includes a special behavioural monitoring programme that is carried out by our research team. The aim of the project is to monitor temporal and seasonal changes in his behaviour, focusing on activity pattern, habitat use, enrichment use and walking speed.

The information collected not only helpful for An An, but also contributes to the science of giant panda behaviour and conservation through data collection, analysis, and publication to scientific journals!

#OceanParkResearch #GiantPandaResearch #GiantPanda #AnAn

Our Iguana study was mentioned on Ocean Park's Facebook

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Vets’ Diary: Green Iguana acupuncture

Have you ever heard of veterinary acupuncture? While acupuncture has been part of the traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy for humans for years, but actually animals also have meridian acupoints!

Animal acupuncture is still considered a novelty in veterinary care, especially when it comes to green iguana. Recently, Harriet, our geriatric female green iguana, has started receiving acupuncture treatment to improve her overall health. The treatment is performed by our veterinarian, Dr. Sarah Churgin, who is certified in veterinary acupuncture. The effect of the treatment is evaluated using a specialised behavioural observation technique by the park’s professional research team. The acupuncture and case study not only helped Harriet, but also contributed to the science of veterinary medicine and animal behaviour, through careful data collection, analysis and finally publication to scientific journals!

#OceanParkResearch #OPVetsDiary #GreenIguana

Two videos of our seal ice study were posted on Ocean Park's Facebook (click the images to view the videos)

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Ocean Park research team: behind-the-scenes of ice floes experiment


Spotted seals in the wild inhabit the arctic and sub-arctic waters and rely on the ice floes during breeding season. 

Our Park’s research team is currently conducting an ice experiment with the seals to investigate their natural haul-out behaviours. The ice floes enrich the seals' daily life as they provide structural, tactile and cognitive stimulation. Moreover, the ice floes are designed with the purpose of creating problem-solving challenges so that the seals can practice their natural balancing skills and haul-out behaviours. By providing them ice floes of various sizes to simulate the melting of glaciers, the team recorded the behavioural changes of the seals on the ice floes to learn more about how climate change affects the animals.

Over the past year our seals have successfully utilised the ice enrichment, they even invented some new behaviours, such as blowing bubbles under the ice. As the ice slowly melts away, the seals could enjoy a feast of icy treats.

#OceanParkResearch #EnrichmentResearch #CognitiveEnrichment 


Our Arapaima study was mentioned on Ocean Park's Facebook


Behavioural Study of Arapaima

Have you ever imagined a fish can grow up to 4 meters long and jump 2 meters above the water? Arapaima is one of the biggest freshwater fish living in the Amazon rivers. Despite their huge size, we actually know little about these amazing creatures and due to insufficient data, we are not even certain about their conservation status.

The research team of Ocean Park has therefore launched the first behavioural study aimed at discovering more about the daily routine and activity pattern of Arapaima. With the research, we got to understand more about Arapaima’s habits as well as contribute to the conservation of the species. The research team, consisting of local university students and researchers, conducts weekly observation sessions in the Rainforest exhibit with our 3 Arapaima: Aaron, Beth and Casmir. We have learnt that the 3 Arapaima have different personalities and preferences.

#OceanParkResearch #ArapaimaResearch #ArapaimaEnrichment


Research Department

Ocean Park Hong Kong

180 Wong Chuk Hang Road

Aberdeen, Hong Kong


(+852) 3923 2485

2021 by Eszter Matrai

Logo design by Leung Fung Ming

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